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Variegated Monstera: A Complete Guide To This Swiss Cheese-Looking Plant

The Variegated Monstera ain’t your average houseplant.

With its strikingly marbled green and white leaves, this beauty is a statement piece that’ll jazz up any room in a snap.

You might be wondering why the Variegated Monstera so darn popular – its got stunning good looks and is known for its hardiness.

This plant can handle a bit of neglect and still look fabulous – a true diva of the plant world!

We’ve got all the deets on what makes it unique, how to care for it, and even how to propagate it.

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Key Takeaways

  • Variegated Monstera, with its unique and stunning leaf patterns, is a rare find in the plant world.
  • Proper care for this gem involves specific light, temperature, and watering requirements.
  • Propagating this plant can be a bit tricky but is certainly possible with the right tips and tricks.
  • Common problems with Variegated Monstera can be identified and treated with the right knowledge.
  • The rarity and unique variegation pattern of this plant make it a valuable item among plant enthusiasts.
  • The price of Variegated Monstera can range from a few hundred to thousands of dollars, depending on its size and variegation.
  • Selling a propagated Variegated Monstera can be lucrative due to its high demand and limited supply.

What To Know About Variegation in Monstera

Variegated Monstera leaf

In the simplest terms, variegation means that a plant has leaves that are more than one color.

In the case of the Variegated Monstera, we’re talking about those stunning white or cream-colored streaks that contrast with the green.

It’s like the plant equivalent of having natural highlights – pretty cool, right?

But why does variegation happen? Well, it’s all down to genetics and a bit of luck.

Variegation in Monstera plants is a result of a mutation that causes a lack of chlorophyll in some of the plant cells.

Without chlorophyll, those parts of the leaf can’t produce green pigment, so they stay white or cream-colored.

It’s not something that every Monstera has, which is why Variegated Monsteras are such hot commodities.

Variegation can be unpredictable – you never know where or how much of the white or cream color will appear on new leaves.

That’s part of the fun of owning a Variegated Monstera.

The Beauty of Variegated Monstera

You might’ve noticed that the Variegated Monstera is a showstopper.

That’s mostly due to those leaves.

They’re large, they’re heart-shaped, and they’ve got those unique splits and holes that give the Monstera its nickname, the Swiss cheese plant.

But the variegation is the real star of the show with this plant.

The irregular streaks of white or cream against the green give each leaf its own unique pattern, like a piece of living art.

And when the sunlight hits those leaves just right? Pure magic.

Now, when we talk about Variegated Monstera, we’re usually talking about a couple of different types.

The most common are the Monstera Deliciosa Albo-Variegata and the Monstera Deliciosa Thai Constellation.

Monstera Deliciosa Thai Constellation Variegated
Monstera Deliciosa Thai Constellation Variegated

The Albo-Variegata has large sections of pure white on its leaves, while the Thai Constellation’s variegation looks like a sprinkling of stars across the leaf surface.

Both are absolutely gorgeous, but they each bring their own unique flair to the table.

Each Variegated Monstera is a one-of-a-kind piece of Mother Nature’s artwork.

No two leaves are the same, and that’s part of what makes owning one of these plants so special.

Caring for Your Variegated Monstera

As awesome as this plant looks, you might be a bit intimidated and wondering how do you take care of this stunner of a plant?

Despite its exotic looks, the Variegated Monstera is pretty chill when it comes to its care requirements.

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Light Needs

These plants love bright, indirect light.

Too much direct sun can scorch those beautiful leaves, but too little light can slow down growth and reduce variegation.

So, find a spot where your plant can catch some rays without getting sunburned.

Temperature Needs

When it comes to temperature, Variegated Monstera is a bit of a Goldilocks.

It likes it just right – not too hot, not too cold. Aim for a range of 65-85°F (18-29°C).

And humidity? The more, the merrier. After all, these plants are native to tropical rainforests.

Watering Needs

Wait until the top inch or two of soil is dry before giving your plant a drink.

And make sure your pot drains well, ’cause these plants don’t like wet feet.

They can be prone to root rot if they sit in water.

Soil and Fertilizer Needs

Variegated Monsteras like a peaty, well-draining soil.

As for food, feed your plant a balanced houseplant fertilizer every month during the growing season (spring to early fall).

In winter, you can ease off to every other month.

Propagating Variegated Monstera

Monstera Deliciosa Variegata
Monstera Deliciosa Variegata

Deciding to propagate your Variegated Monstera is a great way to multiply your collection or share this gorgeous plant with your friends.

And the good news? It’s not as hard as you might think.

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide:

  1. Find a Stem Cutting: Look for a healthy stem with at least two leaves and a visible node (that’s the bumpy bit where new roots will grow).
  2. Make the Cut: With a clean, sharp pair of pruning shears, make a cut just below the node.
  3. Let it Heal: Allow the cutting to dry out for a few days. This helps to prevent rot when you plant it.
  4. Plant Your Cutting: Pop your cutting into a container with well-draining soil. The node should be buried just below the surface.
  5. Wait for Growth: Be patient! New growth might take a few weeks to appear.
  6. Watering and Light: Treat your cutting like a full-grown plant – give it bright, indirect light and wait for the top inch of soil to dry out before watering.

And here’s a pro tip: propagation is most successful in the spring and summer, when the plant is in its active growing phase.

So, save those winter cuttings for the compost and stick to propagating in the warmer months.

Common Problems and Their Solutions

Here are some common problems you might run into with your Variegated Monstera, and how to turn that frown upside down.

Problem: Yellow Leaves

Yup, it’s the classic sign of overwatering.

Your Monstera is not a fish, so don’t let it swim!

Make sure your pot has good drainage and let the top inch or two of soil dry out before you water again.

Problem: Brown, Crispy Leaf Edges

Sounds like your Monstera is feeling a bit parched or the air around it is too dry.

Try watering a bit more frequently and consider getting a humidifier to up the moisture in the air.

Problem: Slow Growth or Loss of Variegation

If your plant’s not growing as fast as you’d like, or if the variegation seems to be fading, it might not be getting enough light.

Move it to a brighter spot, but remember, indirect light is key to avoid sunburn.

Problem: Leggy Stems

If your Monstera is getting a bit leggy – as in, the stems are long and the leaves are sparse – it’s probably not getting enough light.

Try moving it closer to a window or consider adding a grow light to your plant care arsenal.

Problem: Pest Infestations

If you spot small bugs or sticky residue on your plant, you might have a pest problem.

Try wiping the leaves with a mixture of water and mild dish soap.

For serious infestations, you might need to use a pesticide.

Plant care is all about balance and listening to what your plant is trying to tell you.

Rarity and Value

These leafy beauties are not what you’d call ‘cheap’.

But when you take into account how rare and stunning they are, the price tag starts to make a bit more sense.

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Supply and Demand

Variegated Monsteras are rare, and I mean really rare.

It’s all about that variegation – it happens naturally but it’s unpredictable.

This makes every Variegated Monstera unique and highly sought-after, but not so easy to find.

The simple rule of supply and demand comes into play – less supply + more demand = higher price.

Tissue Culture

Now, you might be thinking, ‘Can’t we just make more of them?’ Well, it’s not that easy.

Tissue culture, a method used to mass produce plants, isn’t so effective with Variegated Monstera.

The variegation often gets lost in the process, which means fewer of those beautiful white or cream-colored patches.

So, we’re back to square one with the rarity factor.


So how much are we talking here? Well, it varies.

Smaller, younger plants might set you back a few hundred bucks.

But mature plants with lots of variegation? You might need to crack open the piggy bank for those.

We’re talking prices in the thousands on platforms like Etsy.


If you’re lucky enough to own one of these bad boys and you’ve got a knack for propagation, you might be sitting on a gold mine.

Variegated Monsteras are hot commodities in the plant world, and people are willing to pay top dollar for them.

But be warned, selling plants, especially pricey ones like these, can come with its own set of challenges.

So, there you have it. Expensive? Yes. Worth it? If you’re a plant lover like me, absolutely!

Now you know why Variegated Monsteras are so darn expensive.