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My Favorite Indoor Plants Perfect for Water Growth

Ever find yourself staring at a pot of soil, wondering if there’s a less messy way to bring a bit of green into your home?

Well, you’re in luck because growing plants in water isn’t just for science fairs anymore. It’s a real-deal method that’s snagging the spotlight in the gardening world.

Perfect for those of us who might forget a watering schedule or two (or three), this low-maintenance, almost foolproof approach is making waves.

And let’s face it, it’s pretty neat to see roots develop and thrive in nothing but a jar of H2O.

Diving into the world of hydroponics—fancy talk for growing plants in water—opens up a realm where soil is so last season.

Whether you’re a seasoned green thumb or someone who’s convinced they could kill a cactus, stick around. I’m about to walk you through the ins and outs of sprouting your indoor water garden, proving that sometimes, the best growth comes from going against the grain—or in this case, the soil.

Choosing the Right Container for Your Water-Grown Indoor Plants

Picking the perfect container for your water-grown plants is more than just a decorative decision; it’s about providing the right environment for your plants to thrive. Here’s how to make the best choice.

Glass Jars and Vases

I’ve found that glass jars and vases are not just versatile, they’re also stunning to look at. They come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, offering something for every type of plant and home decor style.

The transparency of glass allows me to monitor the root development and water quality easily, ensuring my plants are healthy.

For plants that prefer a snug space, I opt for vessels with narrow necks. This supports the plants upright and restricts excess growth, making them perfect for smaller cuttings or single-stem plants.

Recycled Bottles and Containers

Let’s talk about sustainability. I adore using recycled bottles and containers for growing my indoor plants.

Whether it’s an old milk bottle or a yogurt tub, repurposing these items can be both eco-friendly and stylish. The key is to clean them thoroughly before use to avoid any harmful residues.

These containers can be a great conversation starter about recycling and repurposing, all while giving a second life to what would otherwise be waste.

Plus, it’s a creative challenge to transform these ordinary objects into something beautiful and functional.

Just remember, they need a little more attention to keep the aesthetics from tipping into the “tacky” territory.

Hydroponic Vessels

For those who want to dive deeper into water-based plant growing, hydroponic vessels are the way to go.

These specially designed containers are built to support the specific needs of hydroponic gardening, ensuring plants get the right amount of nutrients, light, and oxygen.

Some hydroponic vessels come with built-in features like water level indicators, nutrient reservoirs, and even LED lights for a streamlined experience.

I’ve witnessed firsthand how these systems can significantly boost plant growth, making them a worthy investment for serious indoor gardeners.

They’re especially great for herbs and leafy greens, turning your kitchen into a mini-farmers’ market.

The Top Indoor Plants That Thrive in Water

Transitioning to the heart of our topic, let’s dive right into the crux of indoor gardening with water.

I’ve found that certain plants not only survive but genuinely flourish in aquatic environments. Here’s a curated list of favorites that will bring that lush, verdant vibe into your space, no soil needed.

Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)


Pothos, or devil’s ivy, is my go-to recommendation for anyone dipping their toes into water gardening. It’s practically unkillable and thrives in water-filled containers.

All they need is a bit of natural light and a weekly water change to keep them happy. They’re fabulous for adding a cascade of green to shelves or desks.

Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana)

Lucky Bamboo

Despite its common name, lucky bamboo isn’t actually bamboo. It’s incredibly adaptable to living in water.

Just pop the stalks in a vase with some pebbles to keep them upright, and they’re good to go.

These plants like to keep things low-key with minimal light and clean water, making them perfect for offices or dim corners.

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

spider plant in water

Spider plants are absolute champs at indoor water gardening. Their offshoots, or spiderettes, can be placed in water to root and grow into new plants. They’re also super safe around pets, which is a huge plus. Just be mindful to change their water regularly for the best growth.

Philodendron spp.

philodendron 2

Philodendrons are the heart-shaped charmers of the indoor water garden world.

They root easily in water and grow pretty enthusiastically, given some indirect sunlight.

These guys are all about the long haul, staying lush and leafy with minimal fuss.

Snake Plant (Sansevieria spp.)

snake plant on windowsill

Surprisingly, snake plants can be grown in water, contrary to popular belief.

They prefer their water to be changed every couple of weeks and do best with some light.

It’s a slow grower in water, but the striking, upright leaves make it worth the wait.

Geranium (Pelargonium sp.)


Who knew? Geraniums can live and bloom in water.

They need a decent amount of sunlight to flower but keeping them in water is a neat trick to enjoy their beauty without dealing with soil pests.

Plus, their vibrant blooms add a pop of color indoors.

English ivy (Hedera helix)

English ivy

For a touch of English charm, ivy thrives in water and creates a stunning visual with its trailing vines.

It’s pretty hands-off, needing only indirect light and occasional water refreshments.

Ivy’s adaptability makes it a fantastic pick for water-based indoor gardens.

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum sp.)

Peace Lily bloom

Peace lilies in water make for an elegant, serene setup. They flower even when submerged, provided they get enough light.

It’s a bit of a show-off with its white blooms contrasting against dark green leaves.

Just keep its water clean, and you’ll enjoy its beauty for a long time.

Mini Monstera (Rhaphidophora tetrasperma)

Rhaphidophora tetrasperma

Not a true Monstera but just as stunning, the Mini Monstera loves a water-based existence.

It grows rapidly, with its split leaves making any space feel like a tropical retreat.

Bright, indirect light and a spacious vase will keep this plant thriving.

Prayer Plant (Marantha leuconeura)

Marantha leuconeura

Known for its intriguing leaf movements, the Prayer Plant is another top contender for hydroponic gardens.

Its roots do well in water, especially if you’re keen on keeping the humidity up around it.

The vivid leaf patterns are basically living art, making it a captivating addition to your collection.

Key Care Tips for Water-Grown Indoor Plants

When you’re getting into the world of indoor plants that grow in water, there are a few key care tips to ensure your water-grown beauties thrive. Let’s get into the essentials.

Light Requirements

Light is like the number one fuel for your plants, even those chilling in water.

Different plants have varied appetites for sunlight, so it’s key to match them with their ideal lighting conditions. Bright, indirect light usually hits the sweet spot for most water-grown plants.

Direct sunlight can turn your plant’s comfy water home into a hot tub, which might not end well. So, find a nice spot where the sunlight is gentle.

It’ll make a world of difference in how well your plant buddies grow.

Changing the Water Regularly

I can’t stress this enough — keep the water fresh! Stagnant water is a big no-no, as it can lead to algae growth, foul smells, and unhappy plant roots.

Aim to change the water every four to five days to keep things oxygenated and clean.

This doesn’t just prevent mosquitoes and algae but also ensures your plants have all they need to take in those nutrients effectively.

Fresh water means happy, healthy roots, and that’s what we’re aiming for.

Adding Fertilizer Appropriately

Sure, your plants are growing in water, but they still need food to flourish. Now, don’t go overboard from the get-go.

Plants with developing root systems won’t need fertilizer right away.

However, as they establish themselves, incorporating a few drops of liquid houseplant fertilizer with each water change can give them the nutrient boost they’re missing from soil.

Just be cautious with the quantity; a little goes a long way. It’s all about giving your plants the right amount of support as they grow in their aquatic homes.

Common Challenges and Solutions

While nurturing indoor plants in water is usually straightforward, you might come across a few hitches. Here’s how I tackle the most common ones:

Preventing Algae Growth

Algae love light and nutrients, just like our plant buddies. To keep them at bay, I’ve found using opaque containers really helps, slowing algae’s roll without stopping it cold.

I also add a pinch of powdered charcoal into the water, which acts like a charm in inhibiting algae growth.

Remember, it’s key to change the water regularly to maintain a healthy environment for your plants.

Addressing Root Rot

Root rot can sneak up on the best of us, often when we’re overenthusiastic with water. The trick is to ensure the plant’s roots aren’t drowning.

I always monitor the water level, keeping it just right—not too high. If I spot any signs of root rot, such as mushy, black roots, I act fast.

I trim the damaged parts and replace the water with a fresh batch. This usually gives the plant a good chance to rebound.

Managing Yellowing Leaves

Yellowing leaves can signal a few things, but in my water garden, it often points to nutrient deficiency or too much direct sunlight.

Given our plants are growing in water, they’ll need a squirt of liquid fertilizer now and then, especially a diluted one designed for hydroponics.

I’m careful with sunlight too—indirect bright light is usually their happy place. Catching these issues early means I can head off more serious problems and keep my plants thriving.

Creative Ideas for Displaying Your Water-Grown Plants

Now that we’ve covered the basics of thriving indoor plants in water and how to keep them healthy, let’s get into the fun part—showing them off! I’ve got some creative display ideas that’ll make your water-grown plants truly stand out.

Wall-Mounted Vessels

Imagine turning a blank wall into a living piece of art. Wall-mounted vessels are ideal for this.

They’re not just trendy; they create a visual spectacle that can breathe life into any room.

Opt for clear glass tubes or vases to keep the focus on the plants. Arranging them in clusters or patterns can mimic a green wall, making a stylish statement.

Be a little adventurous by mixing in vessels of different sizes or shapes. And remember, the beauty of these setups isn’t just in their appearance—it’s also about saving precious floor space.

Just keep in mind, they’ll need a bit of extra care, like occasional removal for water changes, but trust me, it’s worth it.

Floating Planters

Floating planters bring a touch of magic to your indoor garden. They’re perfect for creating an eye-catching centerpiece or a serene corner in your home.

Use transparent bowls or create a DIY floating shelf in a bigger container filled with water.

Place your water-grown plants inside, and watch as they become a floating botanical oasis.

This setup not only showcases the beauty of the plants and their roots but also adds a calming water element to the space. It’s like having a little piece of nature’s tranquility right in your living room.

DIY Hydroponic Systems

For those of us who love a good project, DIY hydroponic systems are the way to go.

You can get as simple or complex as you like, from using old aquariums to building custom frames for hanging glass jars.

The key is ensuring your plants get enough light and oxygen. Incorporate a small air pump if you’re setting up a bigger system, and consider adding grow lights above your setup to ensure your plants thrive.

Not only will you enjoy the satisfaction of building something yourself, but you’ll also have a unique and efficient way to grow your favorite water-loving plants indoors.

Each of these ideas offers a unique way to display water-grown plants, turning your home into a lush, green haven.

Whether you’re drawn to the sleek look of wall-mounted vessels, the enchanting allure of floating planters, or the hands-on appeal of a DIY hydroponic system, there’s no shortage of ways to create a stunning indoor garden that’s sure to impress.