Check out our articles on how to take care of your garden and yard.

basil recipes

31 Ways You Can Use Fresh Basil

Ever found yourself staring at a bunch of fresh basil, wondering what else you can do with it besides making pesto? You’re not alone. Basil’s like that friend who’s good at everything but never brags about it. It’s time to give this humble herb the spotlight it deserves. Culinary Creations with Basil Basil-Infused Olive Oil…

You Need Ladybugs For A Thriving Garden – Here’s How To Get More Of Them

You Need Ladybugs For A Thriving Garden – Here’s How To Get More Of Them

Ladybugs the pest-killing machines you didn’t know you needed, feasting on aphids, mites, and all the other nasties ruining your garden. Want a lush, thriving garden without the hassle of chemical pesticides? Ladybugs are the answer. And I’ve got the lowdown on the amazing benefits of having ladybugs in your garden and how you can…

How To Fell A Leaning Tree

How To Fell A Leaning Tree

Felling any type of tree can be a dangerous business. If the tree you’re looking to cut down is already leaning in one direction, that can make things even more challenging. When it comes to cutting down large and small trees, safety is the most important thing. Here’s the two ways of cutting down a…

How To Dig A Trench By Hand

How To Dig A Trench By Hand

Digging trenches is one of the earliest forms of work documented in historical records. Before the industrial revolution, people dug trenches using their hands. In that case, people used to dig deep trenches that had to be sustained or shored to prevent the trench walls from breaking down. Despite that, you can dig trenches in…

How To Kill Horsetail Weeds

How To Kill Horsetail Weeds

Horsetail weed is a perennial weed with deep-rooted roots, making it extremely difficult to eradicate. It requires just a tiny piece of root to produce a regrowth, and it is further characterized by waxy coated leaves and spread through spores. How can you kill horsetail weeds in your garden and keep your animals, especially horses,…

How To Make A Garlic Braid

How To Make A Garlic Braid

You can make an attractive Garlic Braid for your kitchen, or for a friend, by following these easy steps. Allow in about an hour and a half. The garlic tops (leaves) should be dampened for the easiest, strongest, and best-looking braid. Tools You Need Materials You Need Steps For Preparing The Garlic For Braiding Step…